• 03:43
  • Thursday ,06 August 2020

Three Egyptians killed in Beirut explosion: Ministry

by Al Ahram

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,06 August 2020

Three Egyptians killed in Beirut explosion: Ministry
Three Egyptian nationals were killed in the massive warehouse explosion that hit the Lebanese capital, Beirut, on Tuesday, the Egyptian foreign ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.
The Egyptian embassy in Lebanon will take all necessary measures to bring home the bodies of the three Egyptian victims, who have been identified as Ibrahim Abdel-Mohsen El-Qaffas, Aly Ismail Shehata and Roshdy Ahmed El-Gamal, the ministry said.
A large blast at the city s port damaged buildings across the capital and sent a giant mushroom cloud into the sky, with Lebanese officials blaming a highly explosive material, ammonium nitrate, stored in a warehouse for six years.
The explosion has killed at least 100 people and injured more than 4,000, according to Lebanon s Red Cross.
The embassy said it would continue its efforts to ensure the safety of the Egyptian community in Lebanon and provide them with necessary assistance.
An Egyptian field hospital in Beirut is providing assistance to the victims of the devastating blast, the ministry said earlier, adding that the facility started to receive a number of cases on Tuesday.
The Egyptian embassy also announced that Egypt airlifted an aid package to Beirut on Wednesday.
Egyptian officials have been in contact with the Lebanese side to identify their needs, it added.
Earlier on Wednesday, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi promised to provide full support to Lebanon during a phone call with his Lebanese counterpart Michel Aoun.
“El-Sisi affirmed the solidarity of the government and people of Egypt with its brothers in Lebanon, and the willingness to harness all capabilities to assist and support Lebanon in its ordeal,” the Egyptian presidency said.