• 08:53
  • Wednesday ,15 August 2012

Middle East Tensions Rising, is a Larger War Looming?

by the Examiner

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,15 August 2012

Middle East Tensions Rising, is a Larger War Looming?

Yesterday I told you about Israeli media reports that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has already made the decision to strike Iran's nuclear facilities within the next few weeks. Iran has now responded to those reports.

During a weekly briefing with reporters, foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said, "In our calculations, we aren't taking these claims very seriously because we see them as hollow and baseless."

He then went on to tell reporters, "Even if some officials in the illegitimate regime (the current Israeli government) want to carry out such a stupid action, there are those inside who won't allow it because they know they would suffer very severe consequences from such an act." he said.

But many Middle East experts disagree. Most of them believe Israel is very serious about launching an attack, and very soon. The drumbeat of war has been sounding for some time now between the two countries, and all around them wars are alreading being waged.

Libyan fighters are now joining Syrian rebels in the civil war now raging across Syria. Libya is still recovering from the recent civil war there that toppled the regime of Muammar Khadafi, and replaced it with a regime run by radical Islamists.

The U.S. is still at war in Afghanistan. Sectarian violence is still a problem in Iraq. The Muslim Brotherhood has taken control of Egypt, and they too have made threats against Israel.

The whole place is a powder keg and it could be just about to blow.

What you probably haven't been hearing about is how we're tied in to all of this. You probably haven't heard about the threats Russia has been making against the U.S. concerning any possible U.S. military intervention in Syria. You probably don't know that the Russians have been violating our territorial waters and airspace repeatedly lately to test our defenses.

A Russian submarine recently sailed undetected for weeks in the Gulf of Mexico, but there was very little in the media about it. You probably also haven't been told about the Russian fighters and bombers who have been routinely violating our airspace near Alaska and the West Coast. Or the Russian subs that have been detected on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.

No, because our media thinks you should be more worried about how much Mitt Romney pays in taxes than you should be about our national security, and the fact that we could very well be on the verge of a major war in the Middle East that will almost assuredly make its way to our shores. To our streets. To our neighborhoods.

Why does our president want you to believe your enemy is your neighbor? That the true threat is anyone who opposes him politically, while everyday many of our real enemies cross our southern border undetected? While foreign military forces cruise off our coasts and infringe on our airspace on a regular basis without fear of reprisal?

Almost every national security expert out there will tell you that if Israel goes to war with Iran we are very likely to see suicide bombers on the streets of America. Almost no one in the media is reporting that.

Just this week our own government admitted to staging "false flag" events for various reasons, not least of all to gain support for a war or to make people more readily willing to give up some of their rights in exchange for security.

Why do most Americans seem to think that we are immune to what's happening around the globe? Why do they not seem the least bit concerned about events on the horizon that could mean a drastic and permanent change to the way we live our lives. If you haven't already, I invite you to watch a movie called "The Road" with Viggo Mortensen. Is it really that far-fetched? Is it not possible that we could as Americans suffer the ravages of war and find ourselves in the same situation that millions of other people around the world are in?

Not so long ago Beirut, Lebanon was the jewel of the Middle East. A world-class destination. Now it is a bombed-out shell of its former self, and probably not likely to be at the top of most people's dream vacation list. Beirut is not alone. All around the world great formerly societies have crumbled. Mainly because the population turned fat and happy and allowed their so-called leaders to lead them down the road to ruin. Convince me that could never happen here.

If you are smart, you'll continue to live your life and enjoy it as much as possible. But you'll also take a some time out of your schedule to take a good look around. Stop worrying about who is going to replace Steven Tyler on "American Idol" or who might be on "Dancing With The Stars" next season and start worrying about how you would survive if the worst does happen. No matter where you live, if a major disaster strikes there will be no food to be found within three days. No potable water. What would you do?

Preserving liberty and our way of life requires vigilance. Are you actively working to preserve your freedom or are you depending on others to do it for you? Wake up, because they're not. It is up to you. And me. And all of us as individuals, standing together.

And if I'm wrong, and nothing happens, all the better. But would you rather be ready, or dead?