• 12:02
  • Monday ,05 November 2012

Morsy's comments on recordings of public figures spark anger

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Monday ,05 November 2012

Morsy's comments on recordings of public figures spark anger

President Mohamed Morsy’s claim that he possesses recordings of both enemies and supporters of the revolution were criticized by politicians on Sunday, who accused him of making unfounded accusations.

During his visit to Assiut University on Friday, Morsy said, “We have recordings of some of the supporters and opponents of the revolution, and specifically those who are manipulating the people’s problems ... when they know nothing about them ...”

A dispute recently erupted between the presidency and the public prosecutor when Essam al-Erian, a Freedom and Justice Party leader and an adviser to the president, said the presidency is recording phone calls with public figures, including the public prosecutor. The presidency, however, said Erian’s statements were false.

George Ishaq, a founding member of the Constitution Party, told privately-owned Youm7 on Friday that Morsy should present documents to substantiate his accusations, instead of unjustifiably classifying people into “supporters” and “opponents” of the revolution.

Egyptian Social Democratic Party Vice President Farid Zahran, said, “Morsy should have not made references to recordings of politicians he possesses if they were recorded in an illegal way. But if they were recorded in a legal way, then he should present them to concerned authorities so he will not be a covering up for corruptors and enemies of the revolution,” independent daily Al-Shorouk reported.

Abdel Ghaffar Shokr, deputy founder of the Socialist Popular Alliance Party, told the same paper that Morsy’s statements are an implicit threat to the opposition.

"We are Sorry Mr. President," a well-known Facebook page that supports ex-President Hosni Mubarak, published a post that read, “We too have recordings of those who created chaos and hijacked the revolution. The true criminals are those who agreed with Hamas, Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah to break into prisons and police stations to release their leaders when President Mubarak gave orders to the army to protect citizens and establishments.” The post indirectly refers to the Muslim Brotherhood, to which Morsy formerly belonged.