• 14:24
  • Friday ,26 April 2013

To the people of al-Wasty…

Medhat N. Naguib

Article Of The Day


Friday ,26 April 2013

To the people of al-Wasty…

Dear Muslim brothers, murder and subversion cannot be laws of God, who is almighty and needs nobody to defend Him by killing or causing destruction. As for those who claim to be defending God using violence, I say: “Your God should be the devil who is always thirsty to bloodshed. Instead, seek love and mercy, and let God do the judgment. If you have right, why don’t you seek it legally? Your fellow citizens deserve your protection rather than attack. This is from one hand.

From the other hand, I tell my Christian brothers and sisters to be reassured as our God is almighty. He can change the bad things into good things in no time. He can help you cross the Red See with Moses and Jordan River with Joshua. He can save us from the deadly fire and even fight for us. Remember Joseph the righteous who was saved from the conspiracy of his brothers and received great blessings instead. Our Christianity has never been of weakness, but of unlimited power; Not the power of violence and guns, but rather the great love. It’s power of receiving martyrdom with joy and happiness. It’s power of love, coexistence and tolerance.
To the suffering Christians all over Egypt, especially in al-Wasty, I say: “You are in the hands of God the almighty who allow forces of evil to gain some victory, but not for long. Just trust in the Lord, and not in people. You are suffering now with Christ in the Holy Week, and thus, you shall rejoice and be glorified with him.
Dear Muslims, threats and destruction to the churches as well as the Christians won’t solve any problems. Respect the law and obey it that our problems may be solved. I wish you understand that God is never satisfied with violence. Love and wisdom may solve many problems, as there is no good reason for you to kill us.