• 12:01
  • Wednesday ,17 July 2013

Nour Party criticises proposed Egypt cabinet


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,17 July 2013

Nour Party criticises proposed Egypt cabinet

The Salafist Nour Party has complained that most of Egypt's proposed new cabinet members belong to a specific political current and have party affiliations.

Interim Prime Minister Hazem El-Beblawi, a liberal economist, is about to declare the final composition of his new cabinet. It is expected to be sworn in by interim President Adly Mansour this week.
The cabinet will be too closely allied with one faction in society, Nour said, which is something the Brotherhood was criticised for.
Nour said it did not accept the army's post-Morsi roadmap (before reversing its position) just so one dominant faction could be replaced with another.
It also criticised the marginalisation of Islamists and the media's incitement against them since Mohamed Morsi's deposition. The media should work towards building genuine national reconciliation, it added.  
Preserving national security and the reputation of the army was also important, Nour added.
The party warned against changing Egypt's Islamic identity, which it said had been confirmed in the recent constitutional declaration.