• 08:25
  • Tuesday ,23 July 2013

Coptic pope suspends public appearances amid fears of anti-Christian violence

By Catholic Culture

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,23 July 2013

Coptic pope suspends public appearances amid fears of anti-Christian violence
The head of the Coptic Orthodox Church has suspended his weekly audiences amid fears of attacks by supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi.
Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria “avoids appearing in public, not so much because he fears for his life, but because he does not want people to gather for fear that some fool could throw a few bombs,” said Coptic Catholic Bishop Kamal Fahim Awad (Boutros) Hanna of Minya. “At the moment there are those who accuse Christians of being responsible of the popular uprising of 30 June.”