• 11:46
  • Tuesday ,30 July 2013

Egypt Islamists may raid Conference Hall – official

By Aswat Masriya

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,30 July 2013

Egypt Islamists may raid Conference Hall – official

Egypt’s interior ministry said on Monday that it has received information that a number of ousted President Mohamed Mursi's supporters may raid the Conference Hall in Cairo’s Nasr City neighborhood.

The ministry warned, in a statement on its official Facebook page, against such behavior or other attempts to vandalize public property.

It insisted that, "The authorities will confront such threats with extreme force and decisiveness and will not tolerate any violations against the state or threats against national interests."

The pro-Mursi protesters have occupied Nasr City’s Rabaa al-Adaweya square for about a month now, demanding the reinstatement of their democratically president and condemning the army that ousted him.

Egypt’s army ousted the Islamist president on July 3, following mass demonstrations that were held across the country.