• 17:31
  • Monday ,16 September 2013

Latest developments in Egypt's constitutional referendum

By Aswat Masriya

Home News


Monday ,16 September 2013

Latest developments in Egypt's constitutional referendum
Egyptians began casting their votes on Saturday in the referendum on the country's new constitution. 
Below are the latest developments: 
. President Mohamed Mursi voted at a Heliopolis polling station on Saturday morning. 
. The turnout is average at some polling stations while high at others. 
. Police and army forces are present to secure polling stations. 
. A calm atmosphere generally prevailed at polling stations. 
. Most polling stations have opened. 
. Turnout is only average due to the low temperature.
. Some polling stations are yet to open due to the tardiness of the judges or staff supervising them.
. Some polling stations have not yet opened as the judges supervising them are yet to arrive, despite the high turnout of voters. 
. Some polling stations received long queues of Salafis (ultraconservatives) and Muslim Brotherhood members. 
. There was a delay in the opening of some polling stations as staff members arrived late. 
. Assiut Governor voted this morning, insisting to stand in the queue to wait his turn. 
. Some polling stations saw long queues at the early hours of Saturday.
. Low turnout at polling stations during the first hours of the vote.
. Some polling stations opened late.
. Women wearing full-body veils (niqab) tried to convince other voters to vote "yes" at one polling station, an eyewitness said.
. Some opponents of the draft constitution were seen distributing flyers that describe the controversial charter as the "constitution to divide Egypt."
North Sinai:
. Low turnout in Arish – at a number of polling stations.
. The judges – who are supposed to monitor the polls – arrived late at a number of polling stations.