• 17:26
  • Monday ,23 September 2013

11 injured as pro-Brotherhood marches spark on-campus clashes

By Egypt Independent

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,23 September 2013

11 injured as pro-Brotherhood marches spark on-campus clashes
Clashes between the Muslim Brotherhood's supporters and opponents broke out close to schools and universities around Cairo on Sunday.
Eleven students were injured as supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsy clashed with supporters of Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi Sunday at Zagazig University.
Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated students had staged a demonstration outside the university's administrative office, condemning what they described as "the police state and random arrests." Their protest prompted opponents to stage a counter-protester and later descended into fighting with sticks and rocks.
University chairman Ashraf al-Shihy said he was now considering postponing study for one week.
Clashes also took place outside schools in Giza's Abu al-Nomros district before police fired warning shots into the air to disperse the crowds on Sunday.
Dozens of Brotherhood supporters reportedly attempted to disrupt the start of the school day after gathering outside a number of schools. 
Pro-Brotherhood protesters also gathered outside schools in al-Talebeya district in Giza to disrupt access to schools. Security forces dispersed them before reopening nearby roads.
The police intensified their presence around the city on Sunday, the first school day for a number of schools in Cairo. Universities and other educational institutes were also bolstered with security on the instructions of Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim.
The Students Against the Coup group staged a march near Cairo Uiversity on Sunday morning, moving from the university's main gate to the main library. Students chanted against military rule and giving judicial powers to security personnel to arrest individuals on campus.
Quarrels took place between protesters and other students during the march.
"Rabaa is the symbol of resistance, they lived as men and died as lions," students could be heard chanting. "Students' resistance is on the rise." 
Banners carried by protesters said "Where are you, freedom?" and "Free detainees!" Many students wore yellow t-shirts bearing the four-finger symbol which refers to the pro-Morsy sit-in at Rabaa al-Adaweya, dispersed violently by security forces in mid-August.
Security forces meanwhile reopened Lebanon Square in Mohandiseen after protesters gathered in an attempt to block roads Sunday morning.