• 09:30
  • Friday ,29 November 2013

PM Beblawy expresses disappointment over Tuesday protest

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Friday ,29 November 2013

PM Beblawy expresses disappointment over Tuesday protest

Prime Minister Hazem al-Beblawy expressed disappointment over incidents that took place on Tuesday when demonstrators protested before the Shura Council.

“What happened on Tuesday is disappointing. There is no perfect law, but there are legislative channels to express opinion,” he said.
He continued saying that the protesters were insisting on defying the protest law and ruining it, when the country had to protect these laws from being broken.
In a press conference at the Police Academy on Wednesday, Beblawy said, "Everyone realizes we have been passing through a very important phase since 30 June."
He added that the Cabinet is achieving the goals of the transitional roadmap at a steady pace.
The law, he says, was issued to organize the right to protest. He also said the government resorted to civil dialogue and the State Council´s opinion and that the government had also considered similar laws across the world.
The protest law has received strong criticism from a wide spectrum of political groups, including Tamarod, 6 April Movement and several Islamists groups. International figures, such as the Obama administration and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, have also expressed concern over the law for its excessive wording, harsh sanctions and increasingly drastic measures security forces are allowed to use against protesters.
Police dispersed dozens of protesters who demonstrated on Tuesday before the Shura Council against military trials for civilians. Twenty four protesters were arrested.