• 23:20
  • Monday ,02 December 2013

Terrorists responsible for Warraq and HS Officer assassinating arrested

Naim Youssef

Top Stories


Monday ,02 December 2013

Terrorists responsible for Warraq and HS Officer assassinating arrested

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Interior, police forces have arrested Ahmed Ezzat Mohamed Shaaban, the main suspect in assassinating Homeland Security Officer Mohamed Mabrouk, with huge amount of weapons and explosives in his possession.According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Interior, police forces have arrested Ahmed Ezzat Mohamed Shaaban, the main suspect in assassinating Homeland Security Officer Mohamed Mabrouk, with huge amount of weapons and explosives in his possession.

Police engaged in a five-hour-gunfight with the suspect, near the villa he used as hideout, leaving three policemen injured before the arrest was made.
Two other suspects named Mohamed Abdul Ghani and Makny Ramzy were arrested on charges of being involved in blasting Warraq police station and shooting Warraq Church.