• 00:27
  • Monday ,16 December 2013

EUCOHR urges support for Egypt's new constitution

Naim Youssef

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Monday ,16 December 2013

EUCOHR urges support for Egypt's new constitution

European Union of Coptic Organizations for Human Rights (EUCOHR) urged Egyptians to vote in favor of a new constitution in an upcoming referendum, saying that would spare the country more turmoil.European Union of Coptic Organizations for Human Rights (EUCOHR) urged Egyptians to vote in favor of a new constitution in an upcoming referendum, saying that would spare the country more turmoil.

It added in a statement that voting “yes” should support the army-led road map as well as fighting terrorism all over Egypt.
It said that the organization is not fully satisfied with many articles, which makes a constitution of adaptations out of it. However, they should be amended soon. Yet, we have to go on and, therefore, vote “yes”.