• 23:57
  • Friday ,03 January 2014

Tawadros: Passing constitution paves the way for building the country


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,03 January 2014

Tawadros: Passing constitution paves the way for building the country

CAIRO/BEHEIRA, Egypt: Pope Tawadros II stressed the need for passing the new constitution in order to pave the way for building the country in a statement on Wednesday.CAIRO/BEHEIRA, Egypt: Pope Tawadros II stressed the need for passing the new constitution in order to pave the way for building the country in a statement on Wednesday.

The statement came during the visit of a delegation from Al-Azhar led by Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayeb, Mufti Shawky Allam and Minister of Religious Endowment Mohamed Mukhtar Gomaa.
“We welcome the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Grand Mufti of Egypt and the minister of endowment with the accompanying delegation,” the Coptic Patriarch said.
In return, Tayeb congratulated Copts with Christmas, saying, “We congratulate Pope Tawadros on the New Year and Christmas. We wish blessing, stability, security, goodness and prosperity to Egyptians and all people all over the world in the New Year.”
In addition, Archbishop Pachomius of Beheira wished a New Year free of conflicts and violence for all Egyptians in order to achieve all their ambitions.
During his visit to Martyr Mary Girgis Church in Kafr el-Dawar, Pachomius signaled the importance of unifying all national powers in solving the country’s crisis.
He further highlighted the importance to participate in the upcoming constitutional referendum, adding that this would be the first step toward stability and development.