• 02:53
  • Monday ,06 January 2014

Investigations with Brotherhood figures on Giza violence adjourned to 16 January

By-Almasry Alyoum

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,06 January 2014

Investigations with Brotherhood figures on Giza violence adjourned to 16 January

South Giza prosecution postponed investigations on Saturday over members of the Muslim Brotherhood to 16 January until security situations become stable and all evidences on their involvement in burning the governorate’s office and 12 police stations are collected.South Giza prosecution postponed investigations on Saturday over members of the Muslim Brotherhood to 16 January until security situations become stable and all evidences on their involvement in burning the governorate’s office and 12 police stations are collected.

Those under investigation include Mohamed Badie, the Muslim Brotherhood supreme guide, Essam al-Erian and Mohamed al-Beltagy, other members of the group as well as Safwat Hegazy, member of the National Alliance to Support Legitimacy.
Prosecution also renewed detention of 25 Brotherhood members for 15 days pending investigations on involvement in burning police stations following dispersal of Rabaa al-Adaweya and Nahda sit-ins.
Prosecution accused them of joining a terrorist group, attempted murder of policemen and arson of governmental property.
According to investigations, the suspects carried out a plot by the guidance bureau to burn police stations, attack citizens and claim in media that incidents in Egypt is a civil war as result of ouster of ex-president Mohamed Morsy.