• 09:56
  • Monday ,03 March 2014

Industry Min. to increase investment, build trust


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Monday ,03 March 2014

Industry Min. to increase investment, build trust

Minister of Industry and Trade Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour said late Saturday that he is keen to increase foreign investment and restore Egyptian, foreign, and Arab investors’ trust in the economy.

Fakhry told Youm7 that he would assume his duties starting Sunday and would hold a meeting with Ministry of Investment leaders and former Minister of Investment Osama Saleh.
Fakhry added that his priorities toward the ministry are to increase investments and restore investor trust by amending the Investment Guarantees and Incentives Law and creating a clear legislative environment that supports investors, which would increase job opportunities and production.
The meeting will be attended by Investment General Authority head Hassan Fahmy his deputies Alaa Omar and Neveen al-Shaafi, along with the deputy minister of investment.