• 09:40
  • Tuesday ,18 March 2014

13 injured in clashes between security and Azhar University students in Dakahliya

By-Almasry Alyoum

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,18 March 2014

13 injured in clashes between security and Azhar University students in Dakahliya

Violent clashes broke out between groups of Brotherhood and pro-military students of Al-Azhar University in Dakahliya. Police stormed the campus and fired tear gas to break up the clashes, and the students responded by throwing stones.Violent clashes broke out between groups of Brotherhood and pro-military students of Al-Azhar University in Dakahliya. Police stormed the campus and fired tear gas to break up the clashes, and the students responded by throwing stones.

 The pro-military students were provoked when the Brotherhood students chanted slogans against the army and the police.
Thirteen students were injured injured in the clashes and taken to hospital.