• 14:37
  • Thursday ,02 October 2014

Morsy jail-break trial postponed to 18 October

By Egypt Independent

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,02 October 2014

Morsy jail-break trial postponed to 18 October

Toppled President Mohamed Morsy did not attend his trial session, along with another 131 Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas defendants, over jailbreak charges, security sources told Al-Masry Al-Youm.

The session on Wednesday was postponed to 18 October.

The defendants face charges of breaking into Egyptian prisons during the 25 January revolution, kidnapping policemen and detaining them in Gaza, killing other policemen and setting governmental establishments on fire.

The main defendants in the lawsuit are Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie, former Parliament Speaker Mohamed Saad Al-Katatny, Hamas figure Ayman Nofal and others.