• 12:18
  • Monday ,05 January 2015

Judicial source: Assets of Brotherhood figures ordered to be confiscated


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,05 January 2009

Judicial source: Assets of Brotherhood figures ordered to be confiscated

A judicial source has revealed names of members belonging to the Muslim-Brotherhood led National Alliance to Support Legitimacy (NASL) whose properties and assets were ordered to be seized by judicial authorities on Saturday.A judicial source has revealed names of members belonging to the Muslim-Brotherhood led National Alliance to Support Legitimacy (NASL) whose properties and assets were ordered to be seized by judicial authorities on Saturday.

Speaking to the London-based newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat on Sunday, the source said: “Among the 112 members are Youssef al-Qaradawi, Qatar-based Islamic cleric, Emad Eddin abdel Ghaffour, former presidential adviser to societal communication, Ahmed Mohamed Morsy, son of the deposed president, Assem abdel Maged, member of the Jamaa al-Islamiyah’s Shura Council, Tareq al-Zomor, head of Construction and Development Party.”
“The decision issued on Saturday stipulates the seizure of all properties, bank accounts, deposits, cash, immovable properties and safes in banks,” the source added.
Among those included in the decision, according to the source, are “Talaat Afify, former religious endowments minister, Mohamed Mahsoub Abdel Meguid, former minister of state for legal affairs (based in Qatar), Jamaa al-Islamiyah figures Safwat Abdel Ghany and Nasr Abdel Salam, secretary general of Independence Party Magdy Qorqor, party chief Magdy Hussein, political analyst Mohamed al-Gawady, secretary general of Freedom and Justice Party Ali Khafagy and sports critic Alaa Sadeq.”
Deputy Justice Minister Ezzat Khamis, head of committee managing properties of the group, said on Saturday that the committee decided seizing properties and funds of 112 members of NASL.
According to the newspaper, the source said that “the members are involved in many cases of terrorism, financing and inciting violence.”
Cabinet earlier banned activities of NASL and ordered confiscating assets of 48 Muslim Brotherhood members including the group’s supreme guide Mohamed Badie and mufti Abdel Rahman al-Barr.