• 04:11
  • Monday ,12 January 2015

Officer abducted in Rafah, house used for monitoring bombed


Home News


Monday ,12 January 2015

Officer abducted in Rafah, house used for monitoring bombed
Gunmen abducted an officer in Rafah, North Sinai, Sunday amid a crackdown on militant activity in the peninsula, Youm7 reported.
The officer, Ayman el-Desouki, works at the Ports Security department.
Militants in North Sinai, who mostly belong to Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, have recorded their operations killing security personnel in cold blood, but did not attempt to abduct officers before Sunday.
Earlier on Sunday, a Rafah five-floor house that had been used by the police to monitor the movements of gunmen was bombed, Aswat Masriya reported.
The house was also used by security forces during raids, but gunmen bombed it after observing that no security was present.
Three dead bodies, two of which had been beheaded, were found Saturday in Sheikh Zuwayed, North Sinai after having been killed by militants for alleged cooperation with security forces.
Meanwhile, security forces continue to dig a one-kilometer buffer zone along the borders with Gaza, and arrests suspected militants almost on daily basis.