• 05:22
  • Thursday ,26 February 2015

Sisi broadens state’s power against ‘terrorists’

By The Cairo Post

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,26 February 2015

Sisi broadens state’s power against ‘terrorists’
President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi issued Tuesday a presidential decree widening the state’s power against “terrorist suspects or entities” by specifying its definition of the word “terrorist.”President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi issued Tuesday a presidential decree widening the state’s power against “terrorist suspects or entities” by specifying its definition of the word “terrorist.”
The decree defines a terrorist as any entity, organization, group, individual, or cell that participates inside or outside Egypt in a “terror act” against the people, environment, antiquities, transportation system, public and governmental entities, judiciary system, or diplomatic or consular staff.
According to the decree, the General Prosecution has right to ask a court to label suspects terrorists” in two lists: one for terrorist entities and the other for “terrorist individuals” upon final verdicts,” said the decree which was published Tuesday in the state-owned newspaper al-Waqai’ al-Masryia.
According to the Egyptian Law and the constitution, any new law, amendments or decrees shall be published in a state publication.
As for listed entities, their activities shall be banned, headquarters closed, and direct or indirect financing or fund raising prohibited, and the assets frozen. Regarding listed individuals, they shall be put on a watch list, and possible have their passports cancelled or revoked.
Under such law, any foreigner who is internationally wanted could be denied entry to Egyptian soil.
Moreover, a defendant could be named a terrorist upon a request from the prosecution during investigations and the trials for three-year period which would be extended for another three-year term. In case that a final verdict against the defendant was not issued, the name would then be lifted from the blacklist.
Egypt designed the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group in December 2013 following a bomb attack on the Dakahlia Security Directorate building in which 15 people killed and dozens were injured.
Following the labeling of the Brotherhood, the state tightened its crackdown on its members and supporters, and many of them fled Egypt to the U.K., Qatar and Turkey, and some continue to  voice opposition to what the considered a “coup regime.”
Former Islamist president Mohamed Morsi was ousted by the military, under the leadership of the President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, after mass protests called for the end of Morsi’s regime.
Some MB supporters who fled to Turkey have launched T.V. channels broadcasting news relating to Egyptian affairs, and some presenters have incited violence against security and military personnel.
Hundreds of the MB leaders, members and supporters were arrested since Morsi’s ouster; many of them face civil and military trials over charges of belonging to a terrorist organization and inciting violence against the security personnel.