• 23:18
  • Thursday ,12 March 2015

Poisoned dagger

Ashraf Dous

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,12 March 2015

Poisoned dagger

There is a link between the opening of the Rafah crossing and the terrorist operations, which coincides with the opening of the borders. There were always big terrorist attacks every time after the open of the crossing.

How do the rulers of Egypt think? How did they decide to open the crossing at the time our soldiers are being killed every now and then?
Terrorism always comes from Gaza, but we suddenly decide to import some more through the borders.
At that time, ambassador Wael Atia says that naming Hamas a terrorist organization is only court ruling and not a formal decision.
What can we tell families of the martyrs who lost their dear children? Furthermore, why do they open the borders few days before the economic conference?