• 02:11
  • Friday ,20 March 2015

Sisi's Salary

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,21 March 2015

Sisi's Salary
Ever wonder how much the President of each country makes? If you knew their salary, do you think your opinion of them would change?
An article was recently released outlining the top salaries of prime ministers and presidents across the globe. No big surprise, Sisi did not make it. But the numbers that were revealed, however, were somewhat shocking, and not in a bad way. The US had the second highest pay rate for Obama, Stephen Harper of Canada coming in third. Who had the first? Singapore! Surprising right? I didn't see that coming. 
The reason I am mentioning salaries is because how do you quantify how much a leader should make? America's Obama makes $400,000 USD a year. When you think about it, it's not that much. Surgeons make up to $700,000 in the West. If money is not that motivating factor, than what pushes our leaders to do the best they can? When you think about Sisi, and all the accomplishments he's made, and all the work his group has put in to trying to restructure Egypt, what's it all worth? 45,000 Egyptian pounds a month? Is that too much? Is that too little? Take also into consideration, back in January he said he would donate half of that to the betterment of the economy.
I think that the position of "leader" is highly underpaid. Yes, 45,000 is a lot of money, almost crazy. But Sisi has to deal with death threats, violence, picking up the pieces of a broken country. He has a lot of work to do. I don't think any amount of money will bring him peace of mind, and relief for the effort he, or any other leader is putting in. 
After learning about the salaries of the different leaders, I have gained so much respect for all of them. They have to have an internal motivating spirit pushing them to work towards the good of the country. There is no promotion from president, there is dismissal. So the character that these leaders must have, are strong, and determined, and I applaud their efforts.