• 20:24
  • Wednesday ,20 May 2015

Darkness of thought

Ezzat Boulos

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,20 May 2015

Darkness of thought
When I think about the current events in our country since we got rid of the Muslim Brotherhood’s regime in Egypt, I move back and forth between optimism and pessimism about the future of our country.
I feel optimistic while thinking about the future of the Egyptians who suffered for long from decreasing morals in the streets as well as losing human feelings within the community in general. However, people in Western societies enjoy more morals and human feelings even if they don’t have to assure them by religious belonging.
President Sisi's efforts to develop Egypt makes me optimistic, but I lose such optimism when I find the majority of Egyptian people not willing to work hard in order to achieve better further.
I often change my mind between optimism and pessimism like sea waves since there are many reasons to adopt each point of view.
The Egyptian people's revolutions impressed the entire world as they were able to get rid of two failure regimes in very short time. Yet, they couldn’t revolt against their own mistakes and old thoughts. They stick to their stupid ideas and thoughts refusing to change them with brand new thoughts. The Egyptian government is working hard to achieve the new projects, but the most important project to carry out is to take out the rusty thoughts out of our minds. 
The question here is  "How can the current government policy impose future outlook for the intellectual backwardness and mold which spreads in all state departments? Are they waiting for the old ideas to simply disappear?
No doubt that there are serious attempts to improve such thoughts, but its impact is so limited since the new ideas are described by infidelity, and corruption can be found everywhere unlike these new ideas.
Change was imposed on many peoples who rejected it first, such as the ideas of Habib Bourguiba who called in the sixties for peace with Israel. He was then described as traitor, but his ideas were proven right later. The same happened with great leaders like Sadat who called for peace with Israel at the time of war, which was rejected by many other Arab countries. These countries that refused such peace suffered for years from such decisions and are still suffering.
Egypt now needs to take bold decisions to save the country from deterioration. Such ideas will be rejected first by many people, but they are extremely important to take out the darkness of thoughts.
All economic projects will not lead us to the desired progress unless we work on the largest and most important project by enlightening our minds against backwardness.