• 09:35
  • Thursday ,04 June 2015

Another painful choice

Asasi Abdul Hamid

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,04 June 2015

Another painful choice

There is nothing more painful than feeling injustice in ones homeland. This is exactly what happened to the Coptic families in one of the villages of Beni Suef, which have been expelled after a customary meeting, as a result of charging one member of these family of publishing offensive pictures against the Islamic faith, as if that faith is so fragile and in bad need to protection and guards.

There is so injustice to make the Copts fearing Kidnapping of their sons every single day expecting calls from kidnappers asking for ransoms in order to release their sons and daughters, or lose them forever.
Salafis leader Yasser  Brhamme gave a sermon in one lesson for nearly two hours which entitled "The worst thing of Christians is their faith".
It’s so injustice to attack a young Coptic girl bercause of her hanged cross inside her car. A huge number of Muslims shouting Allahu Akbar surrounded her car and killed her without mercy, while the young woman was on her way to take the medicine and aid for an elder Muslim woman.
Injustice appears also in a state doing its best to prevent  Copts from  renewing and expanding a small church as a memory of the 21 martyrs of Libya and allow the mobs to put their terms to accept building such filthy building as they think.
It’s very painful for the Cots to lose their lives and properties that are seized by Muslims according to Sharia and jihad, in front of the security forces.
Moreover, the military leaders showed their good intention to the Salafists and the Saudi regime's by putting a plan to  commit a massacre by killing Copts in front of Maspero.
All these matters are happening at the time president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi calls not to exaggerated in such cases. 
According to these deteriorating situation and the growing pace of harassment and attacks, Egypt's continueing loss of Copts means that it will lose it's authentic identity and  replete heritage.