• 05:14
  • Friday ,10 July 2015

What if?

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,11 July 2015

What if?

I want today to talk about something may be some will see it as if I'm pessimistic, however, I believe what I will talk about could happen. After the assassination of the general prosecutor in Egypt, we have to pay the attention or find an answer to that question which is what if they assassinate Al Sisi? 

Is there anyone thought about this possibility. if yes that’s fine but if not I think it will be disaster. Egypt in a very critical situation and Sisi now is like a head of a lion of you cut the head of the lion the body will be easy to capture and the body here will be Egypt. 
If we are really honest with ourselves we have to find an answer to that question? is there any alternative to Sisi not just because of the possibility of assassination but also because what if he finished his two period of presidency, who is going to lead the ship of Egypt after him.
Here there are two possibilities, the first one is to make like what russia did and change the constitution to allow Sisi to candidate himself for another period or periods of times or the second alternative to keep the constitution as it is and in this case we will find a lot of candidates like it was before after revolution and here we face the same problem and find the islamic current dominate the scene again so by this way we didn’t do anything.
If we truly love Egypt we have to find alternatives to Sisi not just for now but for the future and I hope that we don’t say that we don’t have good leaders because before Sisi we thought that we don’t have any. Will we be honest with ourselves and find an answer to that question or we still going to live in the myth of the our eternity leader?