• 14:11
  • Monday ,13 July 2015

Is it Generation 4?

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,13 July 2015

Is it Generation 4?

Before I start what I have to say, I’ll ask a vital question:-

Is there a normal person that can LOVE his Father and HATE his Mother or vice versa Love his Mother and Hate his Father?
Let me be more specific, I do not compare your Love to either parents I just asked if it was possible for a normal guy to love one and hate the other. Again I’m talking of normal regular parents, not a rude or careless father or mother!
Well, if a normal person loves his parents, even if he had some bad memories with them but he tends out of love to forget and forgive those bad moments he had to face!
The child that was punished by any of his parents he still loves them, I recall an incident I saw recently, a young boy five years old or less, while running up and down playing he  tripped on his steps and fall down, the fall was hard enough to hurt the child and his reaction was my surprise! With tears on his eyes run towards his mother who jump up seeing her son falling such a painful fall, and before she could say any thing the child said within his tears “Sorry mommy's sorry...” and hugged her ... I felt like this child knows he hurt the beloved son of his mommy's -himself- that’s why he asked forgiveness saying sorry!
That is the normal feeling between children and their parents, that is why by nature we do LOVE THEM BOTH!
But what has all that to do with what I’m going to talk about? It’s just nature of someone like me born from 2 parents of different ethnicities! Egyptian father and Greek mother become Egyptian by marriage but never forgot her origin!
Loving my father’s country Egypt that is loyalty to my country but what about my mother that I love as well and love her country? Do not forget as well the very special ties that always were there between Egypt and Greece! So my question is:-
Does my Love to Greece classifies me as a traitor to Egypt? Or as well My Love to Egypt Thanks God, there is no conflict of interests between Egypt and Greece cause I SERIOUSLY do not know what would had been my tendencies; moreover I do have a loyalty to a third country that hosted me and welcomed me gave me food and shelter and their Nationality! 
My problem in life is gratitude, I can not turn my back to any one who was kind and fair with me! 
Now having explained the reason of my subject today will be about Greece and it’s economical and financial problem! In the life of Greece as a country they are facing crucial hours and days between unexplained cruelty from Germany thinking that because once their Mark was the strong financial aid that supported Euro makes from Germany a leader!
Let us see why European aggressive economical reform was rejected, how do you expect people who are facing rises in prices due to aggressive taxes to recollect fast the funds Europe helped out Greece before were inhuman; people had to live with low pay, more taxes to pay, rising prices in all aspects of life moreover less social and health care! Then you expect from those people to help rising and improving economy!
I’m an economist but I studied some principals, beside I used to run a business that was growing up then suddenly without prior notice a catastrophe came Hurricane demolished not only my business but as well took down almost all my customers leaving me with a huge debt I had no idea how to repay it and started expecting the unexpected!
Thanks God my creditor did not act like Germany, pay or I kill you! There were two ways the first and easiest way -Germany style- announce my bankruptcy seize my assets and a long long cue of creditors each takes a portion of my assets according to the ratio of my debt to them! Bottom line none of my creditors would get back the money I own them they will all loose like I did lost my whole business! 
The second way was what actually happened with me my best supplier and higher creditor -money wise- gave my a break, not only they did not request to pay back what I owe them moreover they did supply me with more items to replace what the hurricane spoiled and waited long enough to sell them so I could pay part of my debt! They were in the safe side because I would had never turned back their fervour with ingratitude they were the 1st creditor to get back his money in FULL!
Back to Greece and their unpaid loan on 30th of June 2015 leaves Euro zone with two choices like above! Either announce the bankruptcy of Greece get an eraser and scratch it out of the European Map and get no money back or like my creditors did with me give it a second chance and more time to sort things out! The few coming hours or days will decide which path Europe decided to follow and the only clear status so far was from France that said it clear No Europe without Greece the HEART of Europe! However the real reason behind this article is my feeling that Greece was a victim of Generation 4th wars!
Let us recapture what happened in Egypt with their economy! Factories were targeted industries killed trade went down and sharp economical clean down prior and during 2010-2013 then thanks to the Egyptians things took a sharp turn towards a rising better tomorrow but let us not forget that poverty is the main gate towards Terrorism!
How can I expect loyalty from the guy that was born on the river bank lived in the streets ate from garbage and drunk from the gutters never seen a bright day in that land? What can I expect from this guy when offered money to kill me and my co-citizens? It is not what could happen in Greece that is close to Turkey and have territories occupied by them until today? Are the masters of generation 4 war opening a gate in Greece for terror and more segmentations in that area? Moreover Greece is the Ideal map for such break downs 4,000 Islands become 4,000 individual countries but if this is the case does it mean that Germany is one of the generation 4 war MATERS?
Questions near or far future will answer them Egypt was blessed by God who provided Egyptians with an Egyptian loving leader El-Sisi, but is Greece going to be blessed as well with a Greek Sisi????
May God keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians, and Peace of the Lord be with you all.