• 21:22
  • Wednesday ,15 July 2015

How terrorists think

By Refaat Younan Aziz

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,15 July 2015

How terrorists think
There was a terrorist attack last Saturday in front of the Italian Embassy in Egypt that caused huge damage in the consulate, houses, shops and cars around it.
Several terrorist attacks happened in Egypt while people were fasting during the holy month of Ramadan putting the government, security services and all Egyptians under pressure and fear.
Our police need to wake up and stop dealing with the crimes this way. Terrorists are given golden chance to escape with their evil plans as police takes too much time to move.
Thus, we must stay vigilant and use modern scientific methods to gather information about the terrorists. We need to know how they think and plan, knowing that they only plan to demolish Egypt and destroy the Egyptian people.
Knowing their goal, we should examine all their ways of thinking and even put ourselves in their shoes. We need to know how they obtain their weapons and information used in the terrorist attacks. They try to exhaust security forces and cause chaos among the people. Moreover, we have to get rid of terrorism by judging the terrorists fast.   
As for the Terrorism Law, it shouldn’t restrict people's freedoms, as long as those people don’t practice violence or incite hatred.
For the sake of the new generations in Egypt, we have to build our country starting with education and culture. Religious institutions have to change and get rid of its old thoughts and corruption. Construction must be preceded by good planning and proper execution to reconstruct our beloved country.