• 00:50
  • Tuesday ,24 August 2010

Egypt Denies Recovery of Stolen Van Gogh

By-Egypt News

Home News


Tuesday ,24 August 2010

Egypt Denies Recovery of Stolen Van Gogh

On Saturday a Van Gogh painting titled Poppy Flowers, worth an estimated $55 million was stolen from a Cairo museum

Then it was reportedly found. And now it’s lost again. Late on Saturday, state media outlets quoted Egypt's Culture Minister Farouk Hosni as claiming that the painting had been recovered at an airport. 
But early Sunday, the ministry issued a statement quoting Hosni as saying that "measures were continuing to recover the painting" adding that information given to the media was "not accurate and was not confirmed until now by the responsible agencies." 
Egyptian prosecutors are now questioning officials at the museum, having arrested two possible suspects moments before they were to board a plane.