• 22:21
  • Friday ,18 September 2015

A Break from Criticism

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,19 September 2015

A Break from Criticism
I firmly believe that all great things come from a balance of constructive criticism and positive reinforcement. A lack of balance will put anything and anyone at risk of not developing their full potential, and stunt any type of hopeful growth. 
If I am someone who is trying my best to achieve a dream, or achieve growth, or achieve change, it only makes sense that positivity will encourage me to move forward, and negative criticism will most likely cause me to give up. Constructive criticism is beneficial when given in small amounts. I mean to say, for every 1 negative thought put forward, 2 positive thoughts should also be put forward to balance out. 
Consider a small child. Or even someone in secondary school. Constant words like "you are doing this wrong" "I can't believe you don't know this" "look at how badly you did this" "you are not smart" "you are not taking anything seriously"will really damage a person. Constant negativity will not only prevent them from trying to be better, but make them feel hopeless and in danger of even becoming self-destructive. Now take positive words like "you are doing so good" "look at your progress" "I am proud of your efforts" and see how much someone can soar and do great things with a little encouragement. 
Now everyone is human, everyone has the right to point out wrong actions, or things they don't like. But I want to focus on trying to consider how the other person may feel while being critiqued. If you knew that someone will be defeated after you point out a negative, wouldn't you feel bad? Don't you want the best for someone you care about? If there is something you don't like, try discussing it with some things you do like as well.
Why am I talking about any of this? Because I don't think enough positivity is surrounding Sisi and Egypt, and the handwork that some people are doing for the country they love, the mother of the world. And like I said, negativity, without positivity is quite dangerous.
Sisi has created a subsidy system for food, which has really helped those who can't afford food, get some, while those who can afford food for days, will keep on buying normally. Sisi is cracking down on the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters. He also worked on introducing anti-harrasment in Egypt's code for more protection against women. 
These are a few items that Sisi has worked on, and for that, I wanted to say what great efforts on his part. I am proud that he is my president, and I know that Egypt is going upwards!