• 07:10
  • Wednesday ,28 October 2015

They have deserted you

By-Suleiman al-Hakim- egyptindependent



Wednesday ,28 October 2015

They have deserted you

Fatwas, patriotic songs, pleas through loudspeakers and appeals by the media and state agencies have all failed to motivate frustrated and disappointed citizens to participate in the parliamentary elections.

They were mobilized before when they put all their hopes and aspirations in ballots that produced nothing but failure.
We had a revolution. We signed the Tamarod rebellion paper. We authorized the president to fight terrorism. We danced for the Constitution. And we elected the president. Then what?
Then there were more burdens on the poor, more soaring prices, more privileges for businessmen, more flagrant discriminations of certain social groups at the expense of the marginalized majority, more unstoppable corruption, more unmet promises, more stumbling projects and more intractable problems. 
So why should we go and fill boxes that bring no good? 
Perhaps it is passiveness on the part of the people for the passiveness of the government. Perhaps they want to disappoint the government for disappointing them. Perhaps they are boycotting the government for marginalizing them.
The people did not find compassion and clemency from those they elected. Their cries were not listened to. Backs were turned on their rights. Conditions were not changed.
So why bother with those who do not bother with us? Why give our voice to those who have plugged their ears? Why trust those who do not trust us?
Do they deserve otherwise?
Have they not learned from the people? The people have developed their tools, from punitive toward Mubarak to protestful toward Sisi. Perhaps it is time for them to be listened to.