• 18:03
  • Friday ,13 November 2015

We suport france! Do you support us?

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,14 November 2015

We suport france! Do you support us?

No normal human being in the world couldn't sympathsyis with france for what happened last day resulting in killing more than 127 people and left 200 people injured. Its a horrible and inhumanity accedient. I introduce my condolence and asking God to have mercy in their souls. 

However, This Accedient should let the west think more deeply not how to protect only themselves but also to protect and put an end to that chaos that the world live in Since US invaded Iraq and supporting terrorsits and provide them with weapons against their goernements. 

Since US invaded Iraq, we can't see peace any where. US helped Lybian to kill Qadafi and helped what US call them oppostion fight against Assad in Syria. They Killed Sadam Hussiene and all of that lead to more chaos and more blood, not only in these countries but also in the west. 

I vivadly recall what happened in Britian, Spain, France, Canada, and US. All of these accident happened becuase of the wrong policies that the west a dopted in these countries long time ago. West need to review their policies to be more effective against the devil not against the innocent. 

In Conclusion, I want to emphasyis my support to France but I have a aquestion to France which is Do you suuport us in our war against terrorism as we support you or you still will adopt double standard like US which fight against ISIS after giving them the weapons to kill the innocent people.