• 08:32
  • Monday ,28 December 2015

Al-Azhar decries vandalizing mosque in France’s Corsica


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,28 December 2015

Al-Azhar decries vandalizing mosque in France’s Corsica

Al-Azhar voiced Sunday its strong condemnation of an attack on a mosque in French Corsica Island, calling on the French government to protect the role of Islamic and non-Islamic worship places from such attacks.Al-Azhar voiced Sunday its strong condemnation of an attack on a mosque in French Corsica Island, calling on the French government to protect the role of Islamic and non-Islamic worship places from such attacks.

In a statement, Al-Azhar also condemned violence in all its forms, and racist slogans against Arabs and Muslims who claim concern for the rights and freedoms.
A group of protesters stormed and vandalized a mosque in Ajaccio of Corsica Island Saturday, chanting slogans against the Muslims and Arabs. The protest came a day unknown masked men injured two firefighters in an ambush, AP reported.
Several Egyptian religious institutions have strongly condemned the terrorist attacks targeted innocents all over the world, affirming that such acts do not represent Islam and Muslims.
On Nov. 14, Al-Azhar Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb said, in his speech In the 25th round of the Higher Council for Islamic Affairs’ (HCIA) conference, decried Paris attacks that killed hundreds of people.