• 23:11
  • Thursday ,14 January 2016

42 ‘extremist books’ confiscated from Sohag mosques

By The Cairo Post

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,14 January 2016

42 ‘extremist books’ confiscated from Sohag mosques
A total of 42 book authored by leaders of “extremist ideology” were confiscated from mosques in Sohag, Upper Egypt in 2015, Youm7 reported Wednesday.A total of 42 book authored by leaders of “extremist ideology” were confiscated from mosques in Sohag, Upper Egypt in 2015, Youm7 reported Wednesday.
Some temporary preachers were expelled from the Ministry of Endowment’s branch in the governorate after they “ were proven to belong to the Muslim Brotherhood,” undersecretary of the ministry in Sohag Ali Tayfour told Youm7.
A total of 160 books authored by “extremist writers” who belong to the Muslim Brotherhood were confiscated from mosques in Damietta in 2015, Youm7 reported.
In June, Minister Endowment Mokhtar Gomaa ordered the removal of any material, books, cassettes or C.D.s, that incite violence or bear radical thoughts from mosques.
Mokhtar called on mosques’ administrators to provide the ministry with a list of the books they have in their libraries to get inspected and approved.
In a similar development, the Ministry of Endowment instructed mosques to remove books authored by Hassan el-Banna, 19th-century founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, and other “radical books.”