• 03:00
  • Friday ,05 February 2016

Italian foreign ministry calls for joint investigation into student's death


Home News


Friday ,05 February 2016

Italian foreign ministry calls for joint investigation into student's death

Preliminary observations revealed that there were torture marks on the different places of Giulio Regeni's deceased body, Judge Ahmed Nagy, the chief prosecutor for accidents in south Giza, told Aswat Masriya on Thursday.

Regeni, a 28-year-old Italian PhD student in Cambridge University, disappeared on Jan. 25, on the fifth anniversary of the 2011 Uprising that led Mubarak to step down after his 30-year rule.
The Italian foreign ministry met with the Egyptian ambassador in Rome, Amr Mostafa Kamal Helmy, on Thursday and expressed "shock" over the "tragic death" of Regeni in Cairo, the ministry said in an official statement on its website.
According to an online campaign that circulated before news of his death, Regeni had disappeared after taking the metro heading to Cairo's downtown area.
Michele Valensise, a ministerial official, said that Italy calls on Egyptian authorities to immediately initiate a joint investigation, with the participation of Italian experts, on Regeni's suspicious death, the Italian foreign ministry's statement added.  
Public prosecution requested that the student's family and friends provide their testimonies for the investigation process; he also asked for further investigations into the incident.