• 03:34
  • Wednesday ,10 February 2016

Appointed Egyptian parliamentarian submits resignation


Home News


Wednesday ,10 February 2016

Appointed Egyptian parliamentarian submits resignation

Egyptian parliamentarian Serry Siam who was appointed by presidential decree handed in his resignation on Monday. 

A decision on whether to accept Siam's resignation will be made on Saturday during a general assembly of the House of Representatives, the general secretariat of the house was cited by state news agency MENA as saying. 
Sources earlier told Aswat Masriya that Siam resigned in objection to the way "sessions have been managed" and his marginalisation. 
The secretariat of the House said it received the resignation in a sealed envelope and that it did not look into the reasons Siam cited. The secretariat's bureau members are set to hold a meeting to discuss the resignation. 
On Dec. 31, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi appointed 28 parliamentarians including Siam, who previously served as the head of Egypt's Court of Cassation and the Supreme Judicial Council.
Sources say Siam is under "pressures" to retract his resignation so as to avoid embarrassing the presidency. 
The House of Representatives, which convened last month, is Egypt's first since legislature 2012 when a top Egypt court dissolved the People's Assembly, the lower house of parliament. At the time, Egypt had a bicameral legislature but even the upper house, the Shura Council was dissolved in 2013.