• 02:08
  • Wednesday ,30 March 2016

Monasticism has origins and traditions

By-Samia Ayyad

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,30 March 2016

Monasticism has origins and traditions

Monasticism in Egypt has origins and traditions practiced throughout its long history. It has always been sponsored by the Church and enriched her. Pope Tawadros said that church honored monasticism since its very beginning in Egypt during the third and fourth centuries.

Monks dedicated their time for prayers and helping the people. Monasticism is based on obedience and repentance. It knows nothing about conflicts, wars and violence. Monks seek quiet life and poverty. It has nothing to do with pride, media shows and resist the authorities. 
It only seeks peace and heaven. It’s supported by the church as we said. Therefore, church builds monasteries and takes care of them.
Pope of the church is the head of the monasteries as well. The Holy Synod has a dedicated committee to take care of the monasteries and the monks. Moreover, there is a dedicated bishop to investigate problems of the monks. This is how a Coptic Orthodox monastery should follow the Coptic Orthodox Church.