• 16:54
  • Thursday ,31 March 2016

Bless those who curse you, but..!

By-Dr. Marian Girgis Soliman

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,31 March 2016

Bless those who curse you, but..!

Jesus Christ out of his love said that we should bless those who curse us, but he is just and lover of mankind at the same time. He was crucified to achieve such justice. Therefore, Christians should know that they should be brave and claim their rights.

I know two examples to those Christians who claimed their rights and refused to surrender and eat their tongues. 
The first example is Dr. Mina Thabet Qilini who refused to accept injustice and oppression of his professors. He complained about their racism and got them punished for what they did.
The other example is Dr. Rafik Samuel who was standing in front of a hospital refusing to receive a patient in an ambulance. Thus, he held a sit-in in front of the hospital until the governor heard the story and ordered the hospital opened. Yet, his peaceful struggle wasn’t appreciated by his managers who decided to move him away from the hospital as a punishment later.
Therefore, I call Christians to raise their voices and start their peaceful struggle against fear and injustice. We should do so for the sake of our children and the generations to come.