• 04:19
  • Thursday ,23 June 2016

Egypt’s local digest June 22: Boxing is religiously prohibited: Egypt’s Mufti


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,23 June 2016

Egypt’s local digest June 22: Boxing is religiously prohibited: Egypt’s Mufti

Egypt’s grand Mufti Shawqi Allam said that one can learn combat sport and be trained to practice it in a harmless way, but it is “religiously forbidden” to seek professionalism in a way that harm and bring severe disability to one another, reported Youm7.

Allam’s statement was in response to a question about Muslims participation in sports in which wrestlers try to overcome each others, by wounding in head and body.
He also noted that an old religious edict issued by the Islamic Jurisprudence Complex in 1987 stated that boxing is “religiously prohibited.” The reasoning of the edict stated that boxing is based on allowing “serious harm to both fighters that could mount to blindness, severe or chronic damage of brain, fractions or death,” and that the beater is not blamed for this. Furthermore, the edict said that the audience cheers in happiness for the victor not caring for the beaten fighter’s harm.
“This act is totally forbidden and unacceptable in the rule of Islam,” read the edict.