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Egypt’s political digest July 5


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Tuesday ,05 July 2016

Egypt’s political digest July 5
Rafah border crossing closes Tuesday after 5-day opening 
The Egypt-Gaza border crossing of Rafah was closed early Tuesday after it opening for five consecutive days, during which hundreds of travelers crossed in both directions, Youm7 reported.
In the fourth day, the border received 999 travelers; 680 arrived in Egypt and 319 left for the Gaza Strip. Those who crossed the border were Palestinian patients, passengers, students, and dual citizens.

Pre-trial detention of lawyer Malek Adly extended for 15 days
The pre-trial detention of human rights lawyer Malek Adly and three others was extended Monday for 15 days pending investigations over charges of attempting to overthrow the regime, Youm7 reported.
Adly was arrested on May 5 in Cairo’s district of Maadi; an arrest warrant had been issued April 25 for “inciting protests.” Demonstrations against Egypt’s transfer of the sovereignty of two Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia erupted April 15 and April 25.

12 alleged Muslim Brotherhood members detained 15 days in jail over violence-related crimes
Twelve people, allegedly belong to the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, were detained for 15 days in prison, pending investigations over charges of belonging to a terrorist group, disturbing the public order, harming state’s institutions in Sohag, Youm7 reported.
Thousands have been tried in Egypt since 2013 over similar charges, as massive protests spread across Egypt in the aftermath of President Mohamed Morsi’s ouster. The demonstrations included violence and arson, but were also met with police force.
Court renews detention of blogger for 45 days in jail over ‘contempt of religion’
A Giza criminal court renewed detention of a blogger, M. H, to 45 days in jail over accusations of “publishing false news and blasphemy of the religion, Youm7 reported Monday. According to the Egyptian Penal Code, contempt of religion charge is punishable with prison sentences of between six months and five years.

Parliamentarians contact with governors to follow up ‘threat of sharks’ on beach goers
Egyptian Parliamentarians are in contact with governors of the Mediterranean and Red Sea governorates to follow up phenomena of presence of sharks in the seas during the summer season. The government is on alert and takes all precautious measures to protect people, particularly after shark has attacked a 23-year-old Egyptian student in the Red Sea resort city of Ain Sokhna early June.