• 21:35
  • Thursday ,28 July 2016

Conscript killed in North Sinai bombing


Home News


Thursday ,28 July 2016

Conscript killed in North Sinai bombing

 An army conscript was killed in North Sinai governorate on Wednesday in a bombing while another three conscripts were injured, Ahram Arabic news website reported.

According to security sources and eye witnesses who spoke with Ahram Arabic news website, an explosive detonated when an armored security vehicle was sweeping the Al-Contella area in the centre of Sinai.

The injured conscripts were transferred to Al-Arish military hospital while the body of the deceased conscript was transferred to the military hospital in Suez governorate.
Egypt's security forces are fighting a decade-long Islamist insurgency in parts of North Sinai that spiked following the ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in 2013.
Hundreds of policemen and soldiers have since been killed by militants, and the army has stated that security operations have resulted in the killing of hundreds of militants by security forces.