• 02:43
  • Monday ,24 October 2016

Some Minor Offences to Help Major Youth

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Sunday ,23 October 2016

Some Minor Offences to Help Major Youth
Recently, youth leaders and ambassadors in Egypt had the pleasure of meeting with Sisi for a conference in Sharm El Sheikh. Topics of discussion included imprisoned youth under the Sisi administration, poverty and the looming threat of yet another revolution that seems closer than comfortable.
Social media has been exploding with the idea of another revolution soon to materialize. My questions is, was this conference an attempt for Sisi to try to salvage the image he has with the youth? Does he actually care about the concerns that were brought up during the conference? Furthermore, with this so-called mass protest less than two weeks away, was this just a monumental waste of time since the protests are still going to happen anyways, with the leaders all being the youth of Egypt?
I think there is a massive level of mistrust between the Sisi administration and the youth of Egypt. I'm not sure if this was a vain attempt on Sisi's part to meet with the youth, or if he was just trying to save face. Also, why did so many of the youth agree to meet with him, if they have no faith in his capabilities, or have already made up their minds about wanting him out?
I just can't understand what this meeting was supposed to accomplish. Unless, however, Sisi did in fact sincerely want to meet with the next generation of this country and see for himself what kind of thinking is perpetuating the minds of the young adults. Maybe Sisi does really love his job, and is doing his best effort to offer his capabilities to his country. There is some possibility that he was meeting with these people who are clearly so angry with him, to try and change their hearts and lead them towards open communication geared towards fixing the shortcomings, and preventing another revolution. 
A revolution, although is filled with passion, heart, and emotion, it is also a strain in resources. Protesting changes everyone's everyday schedule and making it harder to lead normal everyday lives. Days of protesting takes away from family time, takes away schooling, takes away living life in peace and love. Is this the point Sisi was trying to convey to the youth? I hope so. 
For all of Sisi's shortcomings and mistakes, this country cannot afford another week or protests and the world stopping right now.