• 17:21
  • Monday ,31 October 2016

Saudi Arabia and Egypt

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Monday ,31 October 2016

Saudi Arabia and Egypt

It seems the crisis between Egypt and Suadi Arabia will not end soon especially after the last statement from the saudi diplomate who made fun of Sisi when he was talking about his freidge. 

This was not the first crisis to happen between Egypt and Saudi arabia Lately. In the same month another crisis happened when Egypt vote with the russian resolution which made Saudi Arabia angry becuase of that.

The main problem of Saudi Arabia that they want Egypt to follow them as subordinate, however, Egypt will never be subordinate to Saudi Arabia but they are insiisting to deal with Egypt in that way. 

Having said that, Saudi Arabia is not in the situation to lead or order Egypt of what it should do. Saudi Arabia suffer from many problems internally and externally. Internally, Saudi Arabia still suffer from the biggest dificit in its history. Externally, Saudi Arabia, is still involved in many battles in Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Lybia.

In conclusion, Egypt wants to announce strong situation against such statements, and not to neglect it becuase neglecting it means we agree on such statements.