• 21:12
  • Wednesday ,16 November 2016

Egypt condemns Israeli bill to legitimise settlements in occupied West Bank


Home News


Wednesday ,16 November 2016

Egypt condemns Israeli bill to legitimise settlements in occupied West Bank

 Egypt condemned on Tuesday an Israeli bill that would allow legitimisation of unauthorised Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. 

On Sunday, Israeli ministers approved draft legislation that would grant legal status to the Israeli outposts on occupied Palestinian land, allowing settlers in the occupied West Bank to remain in homes built on private Palestinian land.
The draft bill is expected to be debated by parliament on Wednesday.
In an official statement by the Egyptian foreign ministry, spokesperson Ahmed Abu Zeid expressed Egypt’s “deep concern” that the bill would be a preface to giving legitimacy to settlements.
Abu Zeid stressed that the continued Israeli settlement activities "diminishes the chances of a successful two-state solution and undermines the peace efforts process.”
Nabil Abu Rudeina, spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said Palestine intends to seek the UN’s help to put a halt to Israel’s plans.
Egypt, which aims to revive the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, is among several countries who have condemned the Israeli move.
On Monday, the United States described the Israeli move as an "unprecedented and troubling" step.
France, one of the main sponsors of the peace process, said on Tuesday the action was of a matter of deep concern and jeopardised a two-state solution.