• 02:27
  • Wednesday ,23 November 2016

Sisi: Egypt supports Syrian national army


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Wednesday ,23 November 2016

Sisi: Egypt supports Syrian national army

 President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi said that Egypt’s priority is to support the Syrian national army against the extremist groups, Youm7 reported on Wednesday

“The first our priority is to support the national army; for example in Libya, to control over the Libyan territories, to deal with the extremist elements, and to bring about the required stability. The same thing is for Syria. We support the Syrian army, and also Iraq,” Sisi was quoted as saying in In an interview with Portugal’s T.V. published on Tuesday.
President Sisi added that the national forces of those countries should maintain security and stability, noting that “Syria suffers a deep crisis five years ago and we should respect Syrian people’s will. Political solution is the best resolution for the Syrian crisis.