• 03:20
  • Monday ,12 December 2016

Egypt's army says Coptic Cathedral attack 'increases people's solidarity against terrorism'


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,12 December 2016

Egypt's army says Coptic Cathedral attack 'increases people's solidarity against terrorism'

The Egyptian army has condemned Sunday's "cowardly" bomb attack targeting churchgoers at the Coptic Cathedral in Cairo's Abbassiya district, saying it will only increase the people's determination and solidarity in the face of terrorism and extremism. 

An army statement also extended condolences to the families of the victims after at least 25 people were killed and 49 were injured in the attack.
The Coptic Church's spokesman Rev Paul Halim told Al-Ahram Arabic website that the explosion took place in the small church of St Peter and St Paul (El-Botroseya), which is attached to the Coptic Cathedral.
Following the attack, Egyptian president Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi announced that the country will observe three days of mourning.
Al-Azhar, the world's oldest seat of Sunni Islamic learning, also condemned the attack.