• 21:29
  • Monday ,03 April 2017

Brit Exit And Egy EXIT

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,03 April 2017

Brit Exit And Egy EXIT

Teresa May finished her plot to take out Britain from the European Common Wealth … great but just like Britain I wish Egypt gets out of the Arab world... Egypt since ever was created by Pharaohs ruled by them had nothing to do with Arabs or Saudi Arabia!

It all started with the Islamic Invasions when they decided to imitate /crusaders and spread Islamic religion over the edge of the sward! Either you become Muslim or you get killed!
Obviously this policy did not succeed as Muslims that become Muslims due to their fear on their lives they were to firsts to exit Islam once the sward was off their necks!
Muslims or rulers then decided to execute those traitors they were indeed traitors to the Islamic believes and like all traitors deserved execution.
Whatever the reason was bottom line is that Arabs of Saudi Arabia invaded Egypt and many more countries in their quest to make from the Mediterranean sea an Islamic Sea but their dreams broke at the Rock of Gibraltar!
Since then and Egypt lost its roots or we can say the original Egyptians who got invaded had two choices either they become Muslims or be killed then as the inconveniences of that policy spread they decided to open up in a new alternative, pay to keep your religion!
Now a new alternative shows its disadvantages  not all Egyptian Muslims become Muslims out of faith many of them out of fear and more they could not afford to pay to keep their religion!
I'm not saying here that all Egyptian Muslims have no faith but my talk here is about early Egyptian Muslims within them there was some who their faith to Pharaohs and their earthly religion considering the Sun or the Sea as a GOD those found a lost real God becoming Muslims or equally and before Islam they Become Christians but not all Egyptians were yet Christians so Some of them become Muslims out of faith!
However Islam and Christianity has nothing to do with ARABS true Islam started in Saudi Arabia just like Christianity started in Jerusalem but being a Muslim does not mean to be Saudi Arabian neither being a Christian means to be Palestinian from 'Jerusalem!
Accordingly Being Egyptian does not mean to be ARAB!
First ever time Egypt name was within Arab world was upon Egypt's Union with Syria when ex-president Nasser introduced the United Arab Union to indicate Egypt's Union with Syria!
Since then Egypt become part of the Arab world but what for? Nothing ever was beneficial to Egypt from those Arabs moreover, Arabs themselves are not supportive or beneficial to each other  so why keep saying Egypt is Arabic?
I really wish just like Britain decided to Exit Europe that Egypt decides to quit and Exit the Arab world!
This does not mean Egypt becomes an enemy to Arabs our relations and support remains as is we just drop that “Arab” world from Egypt's names!
I hope I was clear enough in my wishes may God keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians my his peace be upon you all!