• 07:39
  • Wednesday ,05 April 2017

Remains of 13th Dynasty pyramid discovered in Egypt's Dahshur


Light News


Wednesday ,05 April 2017

Remains of 13th Dynasty pyramid discovered in Egypt's Dahshur

The remains of a 13th Dynasty pyramid were discovered on Monday by an Egyptian archaeological mission working in the Dahshur Necropolis at an area north of King Senefru's Bent Pyramid.

The discovered remains are in a very good condition; and further excavation is planned to reveal more of the structure, Mahmoud Afifi, the head of the ancient Egyptian antiquities sector at the antiquities ministry, said in a statement issued by the ministry on Monday.
The portion of the pyramid uncovered already shows part of its inner structure, Adel Okasha, director general of the Dahshur Necropolis, added. The structure seems to be composed of a corridor that leads to the inside of the pyramid and a hall leading to a southern ramp; this, in addition to a room found at the western end, Okasha said.
A 15cm by 17cm alabaster block was also discovered in the corridor, engraved with 10 vertical hieroglyphic lines. The lines are being further studied. A granite lintel and a collection of stone blocks showing the interior design of the pyramid have also been uncovered.
Further analysis will be conducted to identify the pyramid’s owner, and the kingdom to which it belongs.