• 20:28
  • Thursday ,13 April 2017
Latest News:

The Era of New Martyrs

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,15 April 2017

The Era of New Martyrs

Although Easter is tomorrow, I want to express my condolences, not my congratulations to all the loved ones and friends of the martyrs of Tanta and Alexandria,  after terrorists bombed the two churches on Palm Sunday, leaving more than 50 dead hundreds injured.  

Also, I believe that cancelling the Easter Celebration was the right decision from Pope Tawadros. I don’t think that celebrating Easter shows respect and sorrow for the people enduring this horrible attack. 

Now, I want to move to a very serious point, I read an article recently written by Dr. Amr El-Shoubky in Almasry Al Youm Newspaper. Dr. Amr was trying to analyze what happened currently to the Christians. His view is that Islamic terrorism comes as a result from the political and social suppression that terrorists live under, and secondly, it also comes from a wrong interpretation to the provisions of the Quran.  

Unfortunately, Dr. Amr tries to give these terrorists false excuses for their actions, and may even give them more fuel to do more attacks. 

If as Dr. Amr said, and the Islamic terrorists do attacks because of political and social suppression, how would Dr. Amr interpret the attacks in the Western Countries of London, France, Germany and lately Sweden?

In conclusion, I want to emphasize that the Christians living in Egypt now, and the environment they are subject to, has earned the title of “the Era of New Martyrs“ not just because of the numbers of Christians which have been killed in the last 20 year but also because of the way Christians are killed.