• 21:18
  • Tuesday ,25 April 2017

Great Crisis and perfect solutions

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,25 April 2017

Great Crisis and perfect solutions

I couldn’t write this article right after the terrorist attack against two Coptic churches in Alexandria and Tanta on Palm Sunday. The palm on that feast was covered with blood of the martyrs among the congregation as well as police forces who were doing their job by securing the place.

I can tell you that this attack comes as part of a greater conspiracy to destroy the Egyptian state just like Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya. However, Egypt is different as it dates back to thousands of years ago when the first government and the first organized army were formed on its land.
The Egyptian intelligence has also played an important role in the past few years to prevent the success of such evil schemes in Egypt during what was called “the Arab Spring”.
The loyalty of the Egyptian armed forces and its national beliefs saved Egypt from the plan to divide it. Therefore, the Muslim Brotherhood was supported to take power in Egypt by several foreign countries and organizations in order to carry out several plans to divide Egypt and several Egyptian lands to Hamas and the Sudan.
However, the Egyptian people with its army and intelligence did a great job to face these plans during the revolution of June 30, 2013.
(to be continued)