• 05:09
  • Thursday ,20 July 2017

It should be declared War Zone

By-Dr. Magdy Shehata

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,20 July 2017

It should be declared War Zone

The blood of the innocent martyrs of the Egyptian armed forces is so precious, but it is shed in Sinai by the terrorists. The soldiers are willing to sacrifice their souls for their country, but there is a big evil plan targeting them in North Sinai. They face armed militants supported by intelligence of foreign countries and organizations that have taken Sinai as the scene of their battles.

The brutal terrorist attack on July 7th, 2017, that targeted our soldiers in North Sinai led to the death and injury of dozens of our brave men. There were about 150 terrorists who used guns and anti-aircraft missiles and explosives. They wore clothes similar to the Egyptian army.
I wonder: how did they get all the equipments and how did they cross the border with Gaza? Where did they go after the attack?
It s known that the Egyptian army is a powerful one. It is the most powerful army in Africa and the most powerful among the Arab armies. Moreover, it is one of the 10 most powerful armies in the world. This army is able to deal with the terrorists in North Sinai. However, the presence of the Bedouin population in this area discourages the army from dealing with them in order to save lives Innocent.
It is very sad to lose such outstanding Egyptian youth in such cowardly attacks. I am not a military expert, but I write from the standpoint of my jealousy and loyalty to my country. Why do not we consider the area of North Sinai a war zone and a battlefield? We can evacuate the citizens from the area and start dealing with the terrorists. It happened before in 1956 when the cities of Port Said, Suez and Ismailia were completely evacuated and declared war zones and battlefields so that our armed forces could move freely and deal with the enemy.
Our great army is keen on the blood of innocent civilians. However, the war out there is one of the most terrible wars that took place on Egyptian land ever with an invisible enemy that kills and hides among the citizens. Egypt will always be stronger than terrorism, which was proved over time. Long live Egypt above all adversities.